Landscaping & Tree Removal

Tree Removal on your Lot
Tree removal or pruning on any Lot within the Association is prohibited without prior written approval from the Architectural Committee or Board of Directors.  All requests must be submitted to the Architectural Committee using an Architectural Change Ticket located on the Villages of Wisp website.
Tree Removal on Common Area
Tree or shrub removal or pruning on Villages of Wisp Common Area is prohibited. The Association Common Area is 20 feet from the front and rear of each unit and 10 feet on the sides of each building. Only the Villages of Wisp Board of Directors can approve and contract for tree or shrub removal or pruning work on Villages of Wisp Common areas.
Any Unit Owner, who engages in or contracts with anyone, including but not limited to themselves, family, guests, or contractors, who remove, prune or damage any tree or shrub on Villages of Wisp Common Area will be charged for the recovery of all damages, fined, and loose privileges to association amenities as per Villages of Wisp Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and Maryland law.
Any trees or shrubs that are diseased, dying or dead, or pose a potential threat to person or property contact Villages of Wisp’s Management company through “Contact Us” located on the Villages of Wisp website.
It is the owner's responsibility to maintain his lot in good order and repair. This includes seeding, weeding, trimming and watering lawns and plants, maintaining and repairing walkways, and pruning all trees and shrubs. Replacement of "like and kind" plants, shrubs, and trees does not require Architectural Committee approval; however, any additions or changes to existing landscaping schemes must be approved. All plantings must be similar in height and size to the current landscaping profile.
Front Yard
Section 7.7 in the CCRs stipulates that the yards in front of the townhouse will be kept as a yard for ornamental or decorative planting of grass, perennials, trees and shrubs. No picnic tables, lawn furniture, grills, fire pits, playground equipment, bikes or motorcycles should be placed or stored in the front or side of any unit. No sign should be erected, posted, or displayed in front or about any lot or unit. This includes "For Sale", "For Rent", "No Parking", and political signs.  No outside television antenna or radio antenna should be installed on any unit or lot.
All firewood must be stored on the side or in the rear of the unit and should be stacked at least 12 inches from exterior walls of buildings. Satellite dishes will be considered following completion of the Application for Architectural Change form and approval by the Architectural Committee.