Grounds Maintenance

Updated & Approved by the Board of Directors 1/20/2022
The VOW Association owns common property such as Mason Park, entrances at both Winding Way and Bright Passage, and our roads and common areas within the townhouse community. We employ contractors to maintain these areas who are supervised by our HOA Management Company.
Read below for more information on specifics on our rules & procedures
                                                Snow Removal
                                                Tree Removal
                                                Parking Lot
                                                Landscaping & Front Lawns
The Board contracts with two vendors for snow plowing to ensure the roads receive the speedy attention during snowstorms. For those of you who arrange personal shoveling with the snow removal vendors, their contact information is below:
            BRIGHT PASSAGE-     
            Greenscapes-  Office 301-387-8090
            W.H. Fratz-  cell-301-616-8672   Office-301-746-8672
The cutting or pruning of any tree or shrub on Villages of Wisp Common Area or around the Buildings is prohibited. Only Villages of Wisp Board of Directors can contract tree or shrub work on Villages of Wisp Common areas. If any cutting or pruning of trees or shrubs is conducted without approval the Villages of Wisp Board, the Board will fine the unit owners and recover damages as per Villages of Wisp Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, and Maryland law.
Our CC&Rs state:
Section 7.20    Tree Removal.
​​​​​  No Lot Owner shall have the right to remove any of the healthy growing trees located on any of the Lots within the Association except with the prior written approval from the Board of Directors or the Architectural Committee.
Section 7.21   Damage or Destruction of Common Area by Owners.
 In the event any Common Area or improvement on or associated with same or any property, real or personal that is owned or maintained by the Association is damaged or destroyed by an Owner or any of his or her guests, tenants, licensees, agents, or members of his or her family, such Owner does hereby authorize the Association to repair said damaged area or improvement, and the Association shall so repair said damaged area in a good workmanlike manner in conformance with the original plans and specifications of the area or improvement involved, or as the area may have been modified or altered subsequently by the Association, in the discretion of the Association. The amount necessary for such repairs shall be paid by said Owner, upon demand, to the Association the cost incurred may become a lien upon the Owner’s Lot and to the extent permitted by law the Association may enforce collection in the same manner as the Assessments.
The Association's Common Area starts 20 feet from the front and rear of your unit and 10 feet on the sides of each building.Removing trees on your own property requires Architectural Committee approval.   Any additions or changes to existing landscaping schemes must also be submitted and approved by the Architectural Committee (forms located on community website).
If you are aware of any tree removal on the VOW Common Area please share with us on the “Contact Us” section on .  Your information will remain confidential and is appreciated.
We have three Trash Dumpsters- if one is full, please use another dumpster. Do not leave your trash outside or on top of the dumpster as this will attract bears and other wildlife. Dumpsters are located at:
1. Lakeview Court
2. Bright Passage
3. Liftside
The containers are strictly for household garbage- all other trash (furniture, TVs, construction material, etc) can be disposed at the County landfills. Contractors are not permitted to use the trash dumpsters.
            Kings Run Site - 1/4 mile east of Rt. 219
            Garret Highway Site - US Rt.219, 1 mile South of Oakland
            135 Site - MD Rt 135, 1/2 mile West of Swanton Hill Road
            Bumble Bee Site - 1.5 miles East of Garrett College
            Friendsville Site - MD Rt. 42, 3/4 miles NW of Friendsville
            Grantsville Site - U.S. Rt. 40, 1/4 mile E of MD Rt. 219 N
            Landfill Site - 3118 Oakland Sang Run Rd. 31/2 miles North of Oakland
If you see unauthorized use of the dumpsters please report to our HOA manager.
VOW Members and their guests are limited to a maximum of 2 vehicles per unit. No exceptions are allowed. No trailers, RVs, boats, personal watercraft or buses are permitted in the designated parking areas. Please be courteous to your neighbors and abide by this rule.
If you have your unit in the rental market, please ensure your renters only have two vehicles. 
Storage of vehicles not “in regular use” is not permitted in the parking lot area.
Overnight parking prohibited at Mason Park.
The Association's Common Area starts 20 feet from the front and rear of your unit and 10 feet on the sides of each building.
The CCR Section 7.7 states “The area within the front of a dwelling shall be kept only as a yard for ornamental or decorative planting of grass, perennials, trees and shrubbery.”
The HOA Rules and Regulations state that it is the owner's responsibility to maintain his lot in good order and repair. This includes seeding and watering lawns, maintaining and repairing walkways, and pruning all trees and shrubs.  Replacement of "like and kind" plants, shrubs, and trees does not require Architectural Committee approval; however, any additions or changes to existing landscaping schemes must be approved.
All plantings must be similar in height and size to the current landscaping profile. All firewood must be stored on the side or in the rear of the unit and should be stacked at least 12 inches from exterior walls of buildings. No picnic tables, lawn furniture, grills, playground equipment, etc. should be placed or stored in the front or side of any unit.
No sign should be erected, posted, or displayed in front or about any lot or unit. This includes "For Sale", "For Rent", "No Parking", and political signs.  No outside television antenna or radio antenna should be installed on any unit or lot. Satellite dishes will be considered following completion of the Application for Architectural Change form and approval by the Architectural Committee.